Protesting or catholic, Ardéchois carried out a ceaseless combat to affirm its faith.
Around this family is concretized the testimony of Huguenots vivarois XVIII 2nd century. This is why was installed, i their house, the Museum of Protestantism vivarois. By taking their freedom with regard to the royal decrees whic forced them with abjuration, by their nonviolent resistance, they the ways of the freedom of conscience opened, but i a context of order, "because they were subjected to the authority of the king in all, except with what was prejudicial with the Faith and the Church" . The documents preserved in this house illustrate the price which its inhabitants had to pay to remain faithful to their convictions.
Children of Etienne Durand, consular clerk, it fulfilled about the functions of secétaire of town hall, except for th behaviour of the registers of marital status reserved to the priests. It will at the height undergo 14 years o imprisonment of Brescou (1729-1743), Pierre and Marie is the same symbols of resistance stubborn person o Protestantism ardéchois during persecutions. They were born both in the family house - an old strong house of XV century - with Pranles , hamlet of Bouschet, located on the plate of Boutières.
This old farm vivaroise out of stone is built around a cour with a principal building and a baker's oven. Etienne Duran engraved on the pediment of the chimney these words "Rented soy God 1696 E.D." One can discover there the hiding-place in which one could be dissimulated in the event of danger as well as the hiding place for a bible of small size. Classified Historic building, the masonry is now arranged in museum with the memory of Vivarais Protestant. The documents preserved in this house make known the faith which animated its inhabitants and the spirit which nourished their hope. Some objects of the country life of formerly recreate the environment of this old residence.
Pierre DURAND (1700-1732)
Restorer and martyr of Protestantism in Ardeche
Born in Bouschet de Pransles on September 12, 1700, he was a disciple of Antoine Court . He leaves in exile to Switzerland where it is formed like Pasteur of the Desert.
As of his twentieth year, Pierre returns to Ardeche to reorganize Protestantism and henceforth it will devote its life to restore the Churches Reformed in Vivarais, following Antoine Court.
It carries out a life wandering of clandestine
As of its twentieth year it devoted it life to restore the Reformed Churches o Vivarais
Devoted during a national synod held May the 16, and 17 1726 at the villag of Craux, close to Saint-Pierreville, it continues without slackening its task i Ardeche malgrè the arrest of his Etienne father, then his Marie sister and malgr the separation of with his wife, Anne, refugee in Lausanne
It exerted a very large influence in Boutières. Malgrè it although it made, the government had put its head at price.
It is by leaving the hamlet of Gamarre where it passed taken care to break nuts, and while moving on Vernoux (on the old direct way of Vernoux with Saint-Jean-Chambre), where it must celebrate a marriage, that it falls into an ambush.
Pasteur Pierre Durand is stopped on February 12, 1732, with the Ford of the castle of Vaussèche, - brook of Serouant, - following a denunciation, to have contravened the orders of the king prohibiting the Protestant religion.
Its head had been put at price for 4.000 books.
Led to Vernoux, then in Tournon, finally in Montpellier, Pierre Durand was judged and carried out by hanging on April 22, 1732, victim of the duty which was essential on its conscience.
Marie DURAND (1715-1776)
National symbol of the Woman Protestant, captive, for its faith, during 38 years;
The sister of Pierre, Marie Durand is the famous captive one of the Tower of Constancy to Acute-Dead in Gard, where it resisted during trente-huit years (August 15, 1730-1768).
In the absence of any act concerning the baptism of the chil on the register curial of Pranles, we are unaware of thus th precise date of its birth, of which the year can however be fixe at 1715
It is imprisoned at the 15 years age, because his/her brothe was Protestant Pasteur. The French government could not sasi the Pasteur young person, but succeeds in stopping his/he sister and her father
Marie remained imprisoned until the 60 years age withou abjuring her faith in spite of the promises of release which wer made to him. It is with it that one allots the word to engrave o curbstone of the well of the Tower of Constancy, with Acute-Dead (Gard), "Register" mean "to resist" in Latin, this word testifies to the faith and the determination of Marie Durand.
In 1767, Prince de Beauveau, governor of Languedoc, revolted by the situation of the prisoners, released them against the will of Louis XV. Retirée in his family house in Ardeche, Marie Durand survived thanks to subsidies of the Church wallone of Amsterdam. At the time of its release, whereas it was in the most total destitution, anchylosed of rheumatisms, the public opinion had turned in favour of the Protestants. One then saw incarcération of these people like an arbitrary, contrary act with the ideas of freedom of thought which were spread more and more.
Released, it returned to finish its days in the house which saw it being born in Bouschet de Pranles.
Famous the huguenote ardéchoise is the symbol of Protestant "resistance" to the attempts carried out after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685) in order to extirpate kingdom the "alleged religion reformed" .
Around this family the testimony of Huguenots vivarois is concretized XVIIIème century
The native house of the Durand family in Bouschet de Pranles, is a place of memory where the Museum of Vivarai Protestant is installed
Certain objects of the country life of formerly recreate the environment of the everyday life of this old residence. The documents preserved in this house make known the faith which animated its inhabitants, of the spiritual engagement of the huguenots at the XVIIIe century, and the spirit which nourished their hope.
Several parts point out moreover the circumstances that they had to face to remain faithful to the Gospel.
- Marie Durand Captive with the Tower of Constancy (1715-1768), according to the work of Daniel Benoit, re-examined and corrected by Andre Fabr . New Company of editions of Toulouse Dieulefit (Drôme) 19